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Institute of Job Aggregation

The Industry Voice for Global Recruitment Traffic 

The App

Together the
Industry is

The IJA is driving industry standards and raising awareness of the importance of job aggregation

Job Aggregation has become a vital tool for driving candidate traffic to job boards and recruitment agencies throughout the world. They have been a key part of the industry for over 20 years with over 400 aggregators, job trackers and programmatic businesses working in over 100 countries across the globe.


As a multi-billion-pound industry and such a key part of global recruitment, it is essential that this specialised sector is kept credible, and transparent and that the leading players support each other to maintain, grow and reassure clients.


This was the inspiration behind The IJA, an industry voice that works with industry leaders to ensure that together the sector is stronger.

Business Meeting

IJA Members Include

Why join The IJA?

The benefits of becoming a member 

  • Be part of the leading industry peer group

  • Get access to member discounts and benefits

  • Drive industry standards

  • Grow reputation and brand exposure

  • Become a leading voice globally

  • Be at the forefront of building industry awareness

  • Learn about new trends and technologies

  • Seal of approval for suppliers and clients 

  • Gain support and credibility from industry peers

Modern Office

Transparency &


Credibility &


Enquire Today about becoming a member

If you are interested in joining The IJA then get in touch with the team today. Please fill out the quick form in the footer and we will be in touch.

The IJA offers the industry an independent solution to ensure the credible aggregators can be validated and the industry can offer true transparency.

The IJA only allows leading and vetted job aggregators to join the institution offering reassurance and credibility to suppliers and ensuring the industry becomes stronger.

Business Discussion

Driving Industry Standards 

Job aggregators offer a unique service driving traffic to the world’s largest job boards, employers and recruitment agencies. They manage thousands of jobs, drive job applications from millions of job seekers, and often offer a lower hire cost and access to wider, more qualified, engaged audiences.


The industry’s lifeblood is job seeker traffic and in a world of ever-advanced AI and bots running rampant across the internet, it is vital that this traffic is validated, and the quality is monitored.


The leading firms in the sector are working closely with The IJA to ensure quality of service and all members of the institute have to meet strict criteria to be able to join.

Our Story

About Us

Mike Wall - Chair of the IJA

We are delighted to announce the launch of the IJA to the global recruitment industry. We believe this multi-billion-pound industry needs an independent body to support, drive change, and build credibility in this sector.


As AI becomes more prevalent and bots continue to expand their reach across the internet it is vital that the leading players in the industry have a voice to support them and help show clients and jobseekers which sites are credible and monitor quality and offer validated traffic

Speak to the team today

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Institute of Job Aggregators 2023

London, UK

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